Site Director - RCPS Afterschool Program


TITLE:                     Site Director - RCPS Afterschool Program



Role Summary:

The Site Director will work in close conjunction with Y and RCPS staff to develop and implement a strong after-school program that provides positive activities for primary education students. This work will be conducted in such a way as to provide college student interns (paid part-time staff) with real-world experiences that are in-line with their career aspirations and/or interests.


Position type:         Part-time, hourly for 15 to 20 hours per week, on average Note: this may be one position covering the full period, or 2 positions splitting the time each week (i.e. 8 to 10 hours each)


Rate of Pay:           $20.00 per hour







Interested individuals should e-mail their cover letter and resume to ryan.martin@vtymca.org.