Job Title: AmeriCorps Tutor -Pending Budget Approval (This position will be open until filled.)
2024-2025 School Year
LIFT UP AmeriCorps program members will serve as tutors for reading and/or math for PreK-12th grade students. As an AmeriCorps tutor you will be responsible for gaining an understanding of SOL’s and learning strategies to help students acquire the skills needed to succeed in reading and in math.
- High School Diploma or equivalent, must be at least 18 years of age.
- Must Pass a four part criminal background check.
- AmeriCorps members are service members, not employees of Radford City Public Schools. An AmeriCorps member must have at least a high school diploma or a GED. The members will serve by tutoring students in reading and/or math in grades PreK-12.
- You will be responsible for providing tutoring to students, modeling appropriate behavior at all times, and following all rules and regulations in the AmeriCorps contract. You may be asked by the building principal to help with school safety duties for 30 minutes or less per day. You will follow all rules of the placement site where you are assigned, maintain a positive attitude, preserve confidentiality regarding your students and your placement site, and strive to provide a quality service to the community.
- As a half-time AmeriCorps member you will provide at least 24 to 28 hours of Direct Service (tutoring) each week at your assigned placement site. This is equivalent to a 4 day week.
- Community service projects are a vital part of your AmeriCorps service year. Participation is required in the community service projects.
- As part of your duties as a tutor, you are required to gather data at the beginning, mid-year, and at the end of the school year using the correct forms that will be given to you by the director. This data is used to appraise the best instructional tract for the student and the success of the program. The instructional coaches at the elementary level will be able to assist with data. The department head or guidance office at the high school level may assist those in the middle/high school.
In addition to the monthly stipend, members who complete 900 hours in their 9 month term are eligible for an Education Award Stipend of $3,172.